Friday, February 17, 2012

My First Place

No, I wasn't featured on HGTV's My First Place(well in my dreams I was) but I as previously mentioned, I did move into my first place this past weekend and I threw out my last 2 boxes today. Whoa, now that is a record. Not even a week and I'm completely unpacked. This my friends, is a miracle. 

How bout a tour shall we? Now I am no photographer, and all my pictures are taken with my iPhone. I didn't edit them, unless you count cropping in iPhoto editing. So forgive me, but this is as good as it's gonna get. 

First, lets start with these bad boys. My parents bought these tables shortly after I was born (in the 90's people) so I like to call them "vintage" ha! Anyway, my BFF and I got the bright idea to stain them. Did ya'll know staining is really hard? We didn't. So they looked like crap, for a long time. Then my Dad generously helped me sand and re-stain them. Still not the look I was going for. So we just painted them. And now they look like this and are gorgeous for 20+ year old pieces. 

This little guy is a FOLDING table. Yes, a folding table. It looks like a real live wood table no? So it's just this little baby table that I'm going to try really hard to not become a dumping ground for all my crap.  Hold me accountable, mkay?

So this is my little office/dining/craft room :) "Carly's happy place" I like to call it. Desk and awesome folding wooden table both from tarjay, duh.
This is above my desk. How can you not be obsessed with Audrey Hepburn? I totally am. And those 4 pics are some black and whites photos of only the most important peeps to me.

So, I feel like this is getting wordy. I'll continue the tour in a different post. Don't want to bore y'all to tears now :) Kitchen, bedroom and living room to come! Happy Friday, woo hoo!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger Blues

I wish I were a better blogger.
I also wish my internet didn't super suck at my apartment, pretty much making it impossible for me to upload all the pictures I want to put here on this sweet little blog.
Therefore, my blog posts are limited to when I'm multitasking in class.
So, I'll try to be more consistent. If not for my VAST reader base (hey mom) but just to document my little life. 

I know I've talked about my doll face of a boyfriend I've got, but let me just brag on him for a minute. I love valentines day, because it's an excuse to tell everyone I love them, and to wear pink, and to eat way to much candy. Not so much in it for the gifts or fancy dinners, just wanted to hang out with my boo. But he surprised me with some beautiful bangles from James Avery that are just perfect for me. And in Patrick's words "they clang together and make noise", he says my bracelets are my alarm, so he can always find me. Seriously, the cutest kid. 

In other news, this past Saturday I moved into my very first by myself apartment. Feeling like a big kid a little bit. I'm LOVING decorating it and changing up the way I've been using decor in the past. I have a ton of wall space in the new place and I'm taking full advantage of it. Once I take pictures with something other than my iPhone I'll share some pics, just to document my first place :) I also sent out moving announcements, which are adorable, obviously.
Lurve them! Can't wait for my friends and family to get them :)
Okay, back to "listening" in class. I vow to be better at this. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.