Thursday, April 26, 2012

Calling All Crafters

Is it sad that the only time I ever blog is when I'm putting off school work? Which I spend most of my time doing, so I should blog more. But I don't. Anyway, today I'm back with thoughts about crafting. Which is kind of the reason I started this blog, so I could showcase all of my crafts that I've made and am so proud of and to have a record of them. School has kicked my tush this semester so the crafting juices haven't been flowing as much as usual but I am itching to get my hands on a hot glue gun!

Anyway, lately, I've been reading a lot of inspiring blog posts by a lot of inspiring bloggers like Jessica, Christin and Katy, who just started a blog that I found and now are some of my daily reads. So I want to take a shot at it. I never used to be crafty. Like, never. I would always volunteer to write the paper or to type or to do ANYTHING ELSE besides the creative part of a group project, I always hated to draw, hated art class because I wasn't good at it. And I'm still not. I can't draw/paint/sculpt/do pottery. Heck, I can hardly use my iPhone camera to take pictures with. But I can craft my friends. Just like the lovely ladies above shared their running/fitness stories and said anyone can do it, anyone can be an athlete, anyone can craft. It might not be as beneficial to your health as running, but it is beneficial to your soul. And who doesn't like starting a project, finishing it and then being able to enjoy it every day in your home? Like in the form of a tray:
Or a piece of wall art that you ALWAYS get complimented on.
Ya, I made these. The girl that can't draw a straight line with a ruler. Granted I had some help from my crafty/artsy BFF, but I promise I've done stuff on my own. Just don't have the pics. 

So go spend WAY TO MUCH money at Hobby Lobby (srsly, if you guys think Target is bad, wait till Hob Lob takes hold of you) and craft it up. The possibilities of crafts are endless, and the payoff is awesome. And if you need some inspiration, pinterest is never too far away :) Then come back and thank me for this inspirational speech and show me your crafts! I love a good craft swap!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for you sweet words about my blog, girl!
    And don't worry - I've never been crafty myself.
    I'm creative, but as far as DIY...not me lol.

    Happy weekend!
