Sunday, April 15, 2012

Planner Paranoia

I don't think it's a secret to anyone that knows me that I'm a planner. I want to know when we're leaving, how long it will take to get there, whose car are we taking, do we have everything we need, etc. I just want to know that everything is taken care of so something doesn't turn out to be a disaster because we didn't plan properly. So, spontaneity, not my thing. Anyway, I'm about to start my last year of college (collective sigh) and I've been thinking more and more about life after graduation. Where I'm going to have to have a big girl job, yuck, and maintain a home and finances and meals and all that grown up stuff, I'm still confused as to when this happened, but it's fine.

The more and more Mr.P and I talk about the "future" and all that good stuff that makes me giddy, it also makes me think about the scary grown up stuff that goes along with it. So I'm trying to decide, should I go ahead and try to implement some sort of home management system, so that when I'm suddenly thrust into the real world it doesn't seem so scary? Am I jumping the gun? I want to start keeping track of the things that go on in my daily life and start good habits now, but is it logical for me to start now when my schedule is ever-changing? I don't know. All I know is the home management kit sold by IHeart Organizing's Etsy shop is really cute and that may or may not have been my kick in the pants for this project. But hey, who said a little cuteness ever hurt anyone? Because I don't think it does.

And just for a random side note, how hard is meal planning for one, sometimes 2, people you ask? Super hard. I need a better strategy for this as well. Maybe crock pot meals would be the solution for this. Pinterest to the rescue. So now that I've put this out there maybe it'll hold me accountable to cook more and start to be more organized. Who knows. All I know is that I went to a BEAUTIFUL wedding last night and now my head hurts. Wish I had a picture of how handsome my boo looked, I was so proud to be on his arm :)

I'm off to scour pinterest for crock pot recipes and organization for one tips. O wait, did I mention none of these things ideally should cost money? Is that unrealistic? Humph.

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