Thursday, April 26, 2012

Calling All Crafters

Is it sad that the only time I ever blog is when I'm putting off school work? Which I spend most of my time doing, so I should blog more. But I don't. Anyway, today I'm back with thoughts about crafting. Which is kind of the reason I started this blog, so I could showcase all of my crafts that I've made and am so proud of and to have a record of them. School has kicked my tush this semester so the crafting juices haven't been flowing as much as usual but I am itching to get my hands on a hot glue gun!

Anyway, lately, I've been reading a lot of inspiring blog posts by a lot of inspiring bloggers like Jessica, Christin and Katy, who just started a blog that I found and now are some of my daily reads. So I want to take a shot at it. I never used to be crafty. Like, never. I would always volunteer to write the paper or to type or to do ANYTHING ELSE besides the creative part of a group project, I always hated to draw, hated art class because I wasn't good at it. And I'm still not. I can't draw/paint/sculpt/do pottery. Heck, I can hardly use my iPhone camera to take pictures with. But I can craft my friends. Just like the lovely ladies above shared their running/fitness stories and said anyone can do it, anyone can be an athlete, anyone can craft. It might not be as beneficial to your health as running, but it is beneficial to your soul. And who doesn't like starting a project, finishing it and then being able to enjoy it every day in your home? Like in the form of a tray:
Or a piece of wall art that you ALWAYS get complimented on.
Ya, I made these. The girl that can't draw a straight line with a ruler. Granted I had some help from my crafty/artsy BFF, but I promise I've done stuff on my own. Just don't have the pics. 

So go spend WAY TO MUCH money at Hobby Lobby (srsly, if you guys think Target is bad, wait till Hob Lob takes hold of you) and craft it up. The possibilities of crafts are endless, and the payoff is awesome. And if you need some inspiration, pinterest is never too far away :) Then come back and thank me for this inspirational speech and show me your crafts! I love a good craft swap!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Planner Paranoia

I don't think it's a secret to anyone that knows me that I'm a planner. I want to know when we're leaving, how long it will take to get there, whose car are we taking, do we have everything we need, etc. I just want to know that everything is taken care of so something doesn't turn out to be a disaster because we didn't plan properly. So, spontaneity, not my thing. Anyway, I'm about to start my last year of college (collective sigh) and I've been thinking more and more about life after graduation. Where I'm going to have to have a big girl job, yuck, and maintain a home and finances and meals and all that grown up stuff, I'm still confused as to when this happened, but it's fine.

The more and more Mr.P and I talk about the "future" and all that good stuff that makes me giddy, it also makes me think about the scary grown up stuff that goes along with it. So I'm trying to decide, should I go ahead and try to implement some sort of home management system, so that when I'm suddenly thrust into the real world it doesn't seem so scary? Am I jumping the gun? I want to start keeping track of the things that go on in my daily life and start good habits now, but is it logical for me to start now when my schedule is ever-changing? I don't know. All I know is the home management kit sold by IHeart Organizing's Etsy shop is really cute and that may or may not have been my kick in the pants for this project. But hey, who said a little cuteness ever hurt anyone? Because I don't think it does.

And just for a random side note, how hard is meal planning for one, sometimes 2, people you ask? Super hard. I need a better strategy for this as well. Maybe crock pot meals would be the solution for this. Pinterest to the rescue. So now that I've put this out there maybe it'll hold me accountable to cook more and start to be more organized. Who knows. All I know is that I went to a BEAUTIFUL wedding last night and now my head hurts. Wish I had a picture of how handsome my boo looked, I was so proud to be on his arm :)

I'm off to scour pinterest for crock pot recipes and organization for one tips. O wait, did I mention none of these things ideally should cost money? Is that unrealistic? Humph.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Art Partying

Man I need to get a grip on this ditching my blog biz-nass. I will try to be better. I want to get in the swing of things, and blog like errday. I love blogs and love blogging and writing down my randomness so other people (ahem, my boyfriend) doesn't have to hear about the awesome deal I got on ribbons at Hobby Lobby today. 

Have you guys heard of the new trend sweeping the nation? (exaggeration much) These painting parties where you bring your own wine. So, you sign up for a party and show up with WINE and then the instructor gives you a step by step of how to re-create the painting chosen for said party. And you get to drink WINE with the peeps of your choice. Did I mention the wine? 

Anyway, P (boyf) was out of town for a bachelor party so some of the other girlfriends of the boys that were gone decided to have a girls night. If they're having (too much) fun, why shouldn't we have some ourselves? So we went and it was awesome. If you're local to Fort Worth, hit up Let's Art Party and um, art party (with wine). 

So I'll leave you with some pics!

Half way there!

All done!

Working hard

Miss. Morgan-- her fiance was the bachelor party all of the fellas were attending. Can't wait to see how gorgeous of a bride she is!

You know we had to get a group shot. Love these ladies-- so glad we got to do this!

Be back soon! Promise!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday lately

I have a week left until spring break, might as well be an eternity. 5 tests and 2 papers stand in my way. Holy cow thats a lot. Just wanted to pop in to distract myself from studying say hi and share this purdy picture of this beloved place I know as TCU :)

My view as I walked into the library at 6AM this morning. 

TCU you're so pretty I can't even be mad atcha for making our spring break a week later than everyone else.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Swim suit-aholic

Hi, I'm Carly and I'm addicted to swim suits. Acceptance is the first step to recovery right? Actually, I don't want to give up my addiction, because I love swimsuits. I am not bikini body ready, probably because I eat a little too much chick-fil-a and don't go to the gym, shame on me. But I'm still anxious for a little pool time. So I'm in the market for a tankini. Found this one from none other than J Crew. I will accept this little number as a gift just because you love me. Thanks. Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dreaming of...

Excuse my awesome Saturday night of babysitting. Sarcasm you ask? Um no. I'm hanging out in a really nice house, watching TV and getting paid for it and I got to spend some time with one of my favorite babies in the world. That my friends, is awesome. 

Here in the great state of Texas we think its hilarious to switch from summer (hello 85 degrees on March 1st) to winter (49 degrees today). I don't think its that hilarious because I am DYING to break out my spring/summer wardrobe. Mainly I'm dying to buy every pair of pastel pants on the planet. I already have red and blue, but I definitely need some pastels. Enjoy this little creation :)

pastel pants

Jigsaw crew neck top
£45 -

$145 -

Lamberto Losani cashmere top
£550 -

Dsquared denim skinny jeans
£209 -

Denim skinny jeans
$71 -

Bruuns Bazaar flat heel shoes
599 DKK -

J.Crew ballerina shoes
$138 -

Mulberry pouch bag
£695 -

Rebecca minkoff handbag
$195 -

Chanel genuine leather handbag
€2.313 -

Cuff jewelry
£55 -

Oasis tiger eye jewelry
$19 -

VIcenza south sea pearl jewelry
£15 -

Me Ro me ro jewelry
$1,710 -

Friday, February 17, 2012

My First Place

No, I wasn't featured on HGTV's My First Place(well in my dreams I was) but I as previously mentioned, I did move into my first place this past weekend and I threw out my last 2 boxes today. Whoa, now that is a record. Not even a week and I'm completely unpacked. This my friends, is a miracle. 

How bout a tour shall we? Now I am no photographer, and all my pictures are taken with my iPhone. I didn't edit them, unless you count cropping in iPhoto editing. So forgive me, but this is as good as it's gonna get. 

First, lets start with these bad boys. My parents bought these tables shortly after I was born (in the 90's people) so I like to call them "vintage" ha! Anyway, my BFF and I got the bright idea to stain them. Did ya'll know staining is really hard? We didn't. So they looked like crap, for a long time. Then my Dad generously helped me sand and re-stain them. Still not the look I was going for. So we just painted them. And now they look like this and are gorgeous for 20+ year old pieces. 

This little guy is a FOLDING table. Yes, a folding table. It looks like a real live wood table no? So it's just this little baby table that I'm going to try really hard to not become a dumping ground for all my crap.  Hold me accountable, mkay?

So this is my little office/dining/craft room :) "Carly's happy place" I like to call it. Desk and awesome folding wooden table both from tarjay, duh.
This is above my desk. How can you not be obsessed with Audrey Hepburn? I totally am. And those 4 pics are some black and whites photos of only the most important peeps to me.

So, I feel like this is getting wordy. I'll continue the tour in a different post. Don't want to bore y'all to tears now :) Kitchen, bedroom and living room to come! Happy Friday, woo hoo!