Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Bad blogger award right here. I have been battling a sinus infection that turned into a double ear infection that turned into me being so so miserable. Can't even imagine being a little baby and having constant ear infections and not being able to tell anyone about it! I was pitiful to say the least and have spent way too much time in my apartment. Today being no different :) There's something about Sundays that make me really lazy. Today includes Girl Scout cookies and Lifetime Movies. What a day. 

On a high note however, tonight is the SAG awards, one of my favorites because the awards are voted on by the actors themselves. How cool is it to see which movies and other actors the people we see in the spotlight are enjoying? I think its pretty cool. So stay tuned tomorrow for a SAG awards fashion recap. 

I would like to share, however, 2 super cute outfits I picked up at Francesca's yesterday :)

Love this coral skirt with the button detail and HELLO pockets :) Can't wait for spring so I can wear it with a navy striped top. O happy day.

I also picked up a cute 3/4 sleeve shift dress with a funky design. With a super low back. Kind of my signature outfit. Love a shift dress so much. I even wore it on a date last night with my man with gray tights and brown boots. Pretty cute. I can't find a picture of it thought, but try to imagine it in your head. Cute right? Thought so. 

Well back to The Pregnancy Pact for me. Then a SVU marathon. Wow I am productive. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Love Chain

Hey hey! I'm back again with another crafty craft-- all this spare time before school starts tomorrow has left me with ample time to create some little goodies! I'm eating up every spare moment before its back to the grind, bleh. 

Anyway, today I'm here with a super easy valentines day craft that will add a little love to any space! Much to my boyfriends dismay, I LOVE Valentines Day. I'm so excited about it, mainly because I get to be gushy and sappy with an excuse, and I dig those little heart candies, oo yum. 

Back to the craft. Another Pinterest find, shocking I know. But it's so great! I call it a love chain. Here ya go:

Love Chain:
Paint samples of any color-- the little cardboard things from Home Depot, I used only valentines colors but feel free to be creative and use any color scheme!

A heart shaped cut-out, mine is  1 1/4 inches

Yarn or string
Hot glue 

1. Cut out hearts from paint samples

2. Arrange hearts in any order you wish; you can make a pattern or just at random. 

3. Take yarn or string of your choice and measure it as long as you want the chain to be; I just laid mine against the line of hearts I already had and left about an inch on each side for good measure

4. Place a small amount of hot glue on the back of the paint sample heart and glue to the piece of yarn or string you have chosen

5. Continue step 4 until you have glued all hearts on to the string

6. Hang wherever your little heart desires! Mine is on a window we have above our mantel :)

Yay so happy! I smile every time I look at it :) 

Golden Globes Recap

Confession: I love awards season. Every single part of it. So its no surprise that last night I was glued to the TV during the Golden Globes. I think the Globes is my favorite because it has movie and TV shows honored. Killing two birds with one stone. I wasn't exactly blown away by any of the dresses but it's always fun to look anyway! Here are some of my favies from the night!

I absolutely adore Claire Danes and it doesn't hurt that Homeland is one of my new favorite shows, so happy for her! And she looks STUNNING if you ask me!
I have a MAJOR girl crush on Reese Witherspoon. She is my girl. I'm going to like pretty much anything she wears, but I think the masses would agree this is a stand out. 
And last but not least, Kate Beckinsale could wear a paper bag and look like a goddess. I think she wore the blush color trend perfectly and her jewels are the perfect accessory. 

Via: 123

Next up: SAG Awards! 
Happy Monday :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2011 Recap

In addition to using this blog as an outlet for my rookie crafting/cooking ways, I also want to use it as a diary of sorts to document my general goings on. 2011 was quite a year for me, so I figured to document it using some assorted pics from my year! I'm just now getting the hang of Picasa so forgive me for the amateur hour going on up in hur 
Heres to 2012 being even better!!


Have you ever thrown a surprise birthday party? I hadn't either until this past weekend! My sweet boyfriend, Patrick, turned 25 this past Thursday and I wanted to celebrate this occasion with 20 of his closest friends and since I knew he's too humble to plan anything for himself, I simply had to do it for him, gladly. I planned the whole thing for last Friday night. I was super nervous I wouldn't pull it off, but I did and it was so great! We had such a good time celebrating his 25th and it was my pleasure to honor him and give him a night all about him. He's a special guy and I'm so happy I was able to do this for him!
Birthday boy with his Yeti cooler

Gotta instagram it up-- love that guy

His sister and her hubby came all the way from Houston to surprise him! 


NAILed it

Is it just me or is painting your nails all the rage right now? Ya, thought so.
OPI "Its Totally Fort Worth It"

 Turns out, I suck at painting my own nails, however, that super creative best friend who also happens to be my roommate is really good at it. So I have a built in manicurist that lives 10 feet away from me.
Essie "Plumberry"

 That's actually why I asked her to move in with me. But, since she isn't compensated for her nail services, I figured I better figure it out by myself, lame. But I did, and now I can't stop painting my nails!
Essie "Lilacism"

I love Essie and OPI brands, I just wish they weren't so dang expensive :( 
Essie "Bobbing for Baubles"

I like to treat myself (too often) to a new nail polish color. Painting my nails a new color every couple of days just adds a little pep in my step. I've listed my four current favorites above, pick these up and you won't regret it, its like a little party on your nails! Enjoy :)

All about cheap cheap cheap

So, due to my broke as a joke college student (self-fulfilling prophecy? yes) and my love for interior design, I've had to get a bit creative in the decor department. Enter: pinterest. Oh pinterest, how I love thee. I found this super cute idea for a piece of art while browsing one day and immediately knew the perfect place for it in my living room. I should also mention that I have an extremely creative and artistic best friend, so that kind of helps too. Anyway, it was extremely affordable and I get tons of compliments on it! Don't worry, you can try one too and I won't even be mad atcha ;) 

DIY Canvas Abstract Art
Canvas, of any size really, mine are 22"X28" and there are two of them. 
Frog tape
Spray paint, color of your choice

1. Take the canvases and place frog tape any which way you want to create a design. It can be a specific shape or just random
2. Then spray paint the canvases with spray paint color of your choice
3. Let dry and do a second coat if you feel necessary
4. After completely dry and completely coated till you see fit, peel off tape and admire your masterpiece
5. Let the compliments roll in!

There you have it! Great looking art for super cheap. Gotta love that!

No Bake Energy Bites

I don't know about you, but the toughest thing for me about cooking is finding time to do it, and well, the clean up after. However, this little gem of a recipe I've seen floating around the blogosphere and Pinterest lately is one for the books. I introduce No Bake Energy Bites, although I can't tell you its the same effect as drinking a red bull, they are yummy and easy. Winner in my book. 

All you need is :
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup honey
1 cup coconut flakes
1/2 ground flaxseed
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla

Then mix all ingredients into a bowl until thoroughly combined, I used my hands because I'm impatient. Then let chill for a half hour in the fridge, roll into balls and enjoy! Can be stored for up to a week in an airtight container. I assure you mine will not last that long. Enjoy!


Chevron Love

I think it's safe to say that chevron pattern was the pattern of 2011. It's everywhere, home decor, clothes, phone covers, you name it, it comes in chevron. My little taste of chevron comes in the form of a tray that lives on my living room table. Maybe I saw this on pinterest, probably. However, it was super easy, so go do it and smile.

DIY Chevron Tray:
Wooden tray, purchased at Hobby Lobby
Frog Tape
3 paint colors: two for the chevron stripes and one for the outside of the tray

1. Paint outside of the tray desired color, let dry
2. Stencil chevron pattern onto bottom of tray, we printed off a chevron pattern we got online and just cut the stripe shape out and stenciled it that way. 
3. Paint every other chevron shape one color, let dry
4. Paint the opposite chevron shapes another color, let dry
5. Use as many coats until you get the look you were going for
6. Coat the top with polyurethane to seal it in and make sure the paint doesn't chip
6. Enjoy your happy tray!


Then fill your tray with remotes, and various other odds and ends or you could use the tray to serve refreshments or food! Cute and functional? Hello sign me up.

 Ya those coasters are awesome, I know.

Sunday Night Ramblings

On a Sunday night, I decided to start a blog. I've been reading blogs religiously, like obsessively maybe, for a while now and I thought it was high time to start one for myself. I've been experimenting with crafts and recipes lately and want to share them somewhere other than my iPhone. 

I'm Carly, navigating my way through crafts, kitchen success, not so successful missions and trying to stay on a budget while still being able to feed myself. I'm also a college student studying child development and I'm lucky enough to hold two jobs where I get to work with the coolest kids I've ever met. All while having a one of a kind boyfriend living in the great state of Texas. My blog title Spoonful of Sugar is all about just adding a little bit of sweetness to my everyday life, even if its just a chai tea latte from Starbucks.

Also, I'm VERY new at this whole blog design thing, so forgive me if things look a little rough around here. Thanks for stopping by!
