Sunday, January 15, 2012


Have you ever thrown a surprise birthday party? I hadn't either until this past weekend! My sweet boyfriend, Patrick, turned 25 this past Thursday and I wanted to celebrate this occasion with 20 of his closest friends and since I knew he's too humble to plan anything for himself, I simply had to do it for him, gladly. I planned the whole thing for last Friday night. I was super nervous I wouldn't pull it off, but I did and it was so great! We had such a good time celebrating his 25th and it was my pleasure to honor him and give him a night all about him. He's a special guy and I'm so happy I was able to do this for him!
Birthday boy with his Yeti cooler

Gotta instagram it up-- love that guy

His sister and her hubby came all the way from Houston to surprise him! 


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