Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Night Ramblings

On a Sunday night, I decided to start a blog. I've been reading blogs religiously, like obsessively maybe, for a while now and I thought it was high time to start one for myself. I've been experimenting with crafts and recipes lately and want to share them somewhere other than my iPhone. 

I'm Carly, navigating my way through crafts, kitchen success, not so successful missions and trying to stay on a budget while still being able to feed myself. I'm also a college student studying child development and I'm lucky enough to hold two jobs where I get to work with the coolest kids I've ever met. All while having a one of a kind boyfriend living in the great state of Texas. My blog title Spoonful of Sugar is all about just adding a little bit of sweetness to my everyday life, even if its just a chai tea latte from Starbucks.

Also, I'm VERY new at this whole blog design thing, so forgive me if things look a little rough around here. Thanks for stopping by!


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